Take It From Me

Because My Opinion > Yours. I kid. Really, I do. This is your non-stop line to my brain. Except when I'm not posting. Politics, sports, movies, TV...nothing's out of the realm of blogpossibilities.

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Location: Rocky Mount, VA


File Organization

I am not a neat person by nature. My room is typically a mess, the only time I make my bed is if I know for a fact someone will come over, and I am rather fine with a clutter of beer bottles and Dr. Pepper cans around my monitor. I am messy.

But when it comes to my computer and mp3s, I am fairly OCD about it. I hate when a file name for a band is slightly different. Example "Alice in Chains" vs. "Alice In Chains." Or "Beatles" vs. "The Beatles." It bothers me. For the longest time, I told myself to sit down and organize my mp3 collection. I put it off, put it off, put it off, until finally, this morning and today, I decided to get the things done I have wanted to do, but never felt the need. Like the one White Stripes song that was missing "The" (which is front of all of the other songs by said band). Or the fact when I picked up the Garden State CD, I did not organize the files by band name, but by the title of the soundtrack. So I had two Cary Brothers songs under that name, but one sitting off in God Knows Where, away from its brothers.

It was aggravating. So was the fact that I could not explain it, but I had, in my collection, three or four Avril Lavinge songs. I nearly castrated myself.

But I am better now. And as my winamp builds the media library back up after new folders for some bands, a split in my major music folder, and a crapload of new Beatles songs (thank you goes to Mother's CD collection), I am set for the future.

Now, if I can just organize that damn porn folder.

I mean...um...look, Adolf Hitler!




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

November 11, 2008 at 6:25 AM  

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